The Centerline Candles Story
Hi guys, thanks for popping over to learn a little more about Centerline Candles
Centerline Candles, LLC was officially born in January of 2020. After a massive (think second mortgage scale) online candle buying spree, I decided to teach myself how to make candles (how hard could it be right)? Turns out there is more to it than I thought, but a new passion was born and…after many wax spills, choice words, unforeseen challenges and online reading… I had become proficient in the craft. I started giving candles away as gifts (and really to whoever would take them…. because there were a LOT of experiments). Friends even started requesting their fav scents and buying a few candles for gifts. About 5 years after the first candle attempt was made, someone suggested that I turn this passion into a proper business….and after a rainy afternoon spent in a hotel room while on a business trip, the first logo was born.
Add a couple social media sites, a fantastically supportive group of friends and family and a lot more wax, and sales started growing…like for real… and somehow, I had “accidentally” started my own candle business. Fast forward a few more months, and a professional logo and proper website were born; followed closely by The Retired Racehorse Project’s request to develop some Thoroughbred themed candles for them to stock in their online store. As if that wasn’t exciting enough, that request was soon followed by Cavali Club asking me to be a part of their 2020 winter box. EEEEK!! I was so excited (and, let’s be honest, terrified) to make a couple thousand candles for Carly. I might have also been in shock that this thing was actually becoming a real business.
Anyway, the adventure continues and I couldn’t be more excited to see where we go next. I will say….the BEST part of this entire journey is being able to connect with so many awesome people. I have made some fantastic business partner friends and continue to collaborate with some amazing people along the way…not to mention all of the wonderful customers who keep coming back for more. I hope you all continue to love the products and keep supporting small business.
Tammy & Ferris
Just a little more about me, I still ride as often as I can and am currently brining along a new to me OTTB affectionately named Ferris (JC name: Taiga Honey, Show name: Life Moves Pretty Fast). He is a youngster (only 5 years old) and is the most level-headed and willing dude I have ever known. I am so excited about our future. If you see us out and about, please please come say hi!
Bright blessings and thanks again for making Centerline Candles a success!
Tammy & Ferris