“The half-halt is the hardly visible, almost simultaneous, coordinated action of the seat, the legs and the hand of the rider, with the object of increasing the attention and balance of the horse before the execution of several movements or transitions between gaits or paces. In shifting slightly more weight onto the horse’s quarters, the engagement of the hind legs and the balance on the haunches are facilitated for the benefit of the lightness of the forehand and the horse’s balance as a whole.” [USEF Rule Book DR108]
Do you ever need to give yourself a half-halt to rebalance and facilitate lightness in an effort to become wholly balanced again? As equestrians (and humans) I think we all need this from time to time and this scent will help you do just that. The perfect blend of citrus, lavender, forest and vanilla, you will find this fragrance both soothes and energizes at the same time.
So give yourself some time to half-halt, get rebalanced, and lighten up a bit...you won't regret it.